Health Fitness Management

Unparalleled education in a competitive industry

健康健身管理课程是一门旨在为您提供在健康健身管理行业的身体健身和商业方面蓬勃发展所需的技能和知识的专业. Graduates pursue a variety of career choices, including personal training, strength and conditioning, corporate wellness, clinical exercise, facility management, and sports operations.


Campus Locations

Main Campus - Alfred, NY


Health Fitness Management (BS)


none offered
All courses for a major must be completed with grades of "C" or better.

Business Foundations Courses 15 credits

  • ACCT 211 Financial Accounting
  • MKTG 221 Marketing Principles
  • LAW 241 Legal Environments in Business
  • MGMT 328 Management and Organizational Behavior
  • ECON 420 Healthcare Economics and Reimbursement

Athletic Training Foundations Courses 28 credits

  • ATHT 105 Perspectives in Athletic Training
  • ATHT 110 Medical Sciences
  • ATHT 111 Emergency Medicine in Athletic Training
  • ATHT 190 Principles of Strength and Conditioning
  • ATHT 205 Structural Kinesiology
  • ATHT 215 Personal Health and Wellness
  • ATHT 222 Nutrition for Human Performance
  • ATHT 242 Sports, Society, and Ethics
  • ATHT 392 Biomechanics
  • ATHT 393 Physiology of Exercise
  • ATHT 432 Organization & Administration of Athletics
  • ATHT 459 Research Methods I
  • ATHT 469 Research Methods II

Health and Fitness Management Courses 17 credits

  • HFMT 305 Field Experience
  • HFMT 405 Program Design & Implementation Lab
  • HFMT 420 Health Assessment of Special Populations
  • HFMT 410 Exercise Prescription and Lab
  • HFMT 485 Health Fitness Management Internship
  • HFMT 490 Senior Seminar in Health Fitness Mgmt
  • HFMT 495 Health Promotion Program Design

General Education Courses 23 credits

  • BUSI 113 Business Statistics (Quantitative Skills)
  • COMM 101 Intro to Communications (Social Sciences)
  • ENGL 101 Writing I (Communication Skills)
  • ENGL 102 Writing II (Communication Skills)
  • BIOL 150 Biological Foundations (Natural Sciences)
  • Humanities Elective

Required Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses 22-24 credits

  • BIOL 119 Physiology of Aging
  • BIOL 207 Intro to Anatomy & Physiology I
  • BIOL 208 Intro to Anatomy & Physiology II
  • GERO 108 Introduction to Adult Aging and Development
  • PSYC 101 Intro to Psychology
  • PSYC 322 Health Psychology
  • Liberal and Science Additional Electives

View general education requirements.

In addition to completing the College of Liberal Arts & 科学通识教育要求以及学院的第一年经验计划或转学生计划, 学生还必须完成健康健身管理学士学位的课程要求, 在线赌博的体育教育要求和全球视野要求, and enough electives to reach at least 120 credit hours.

  1. Provide a quality, up-to-date educational curriculum.
  2. Provide leadership and service to the university community through continuing education.
  3. Promote self-directed learning and critical thinking as desirable professional behavior.
  4. Exploration of a variety of health, fitness, 和健康设置,让学生有机会确定具体的职业目标.

Saxon Fit

A program run through our Exercise Prescription class for senior-level students, Saxon Fit provides an experiential learning opportunity, fusing classroom concepts with hands-on, independent application. 高级水平的学生与在线赌博的教职员工一起工作,通过个性化的个人训练来实现个人的身体健康和健康目标.

学生们与客户会面,获取基本信息,然后制定一个经过审查的项目,该项目运行数周,然后进行后期测试,以确定有效性和改进程度. 这个项目已经产生了巨大的兴趣,学生们带着一种成就感和对如何应用课堂信息的理解离开.

Spring Health & Wellness Tips

As a community service and health/wellness promotional ideal, 健康促进计划设计组的学生每周制作“健康小贴士”,并通过大学内部每日电子通讯与校园社区分享, Alfred today.

这项任务允许学生提供关于健康和健康的所有事情的可靠信息. 学生们还学习如何在使信息在视觉上令人满意和易于获取的同时,接触到广泛的人群.

Field Experience

Each Fall semester, 参加健康健身管理现场体验课程(HFMT 305)的学生的任务是与行业专业人士一起赚取观察时间,并协助与专业日常运作有关的方面.

Parents Night Out: Kids Skill Competition

The 2020 cohort paired with the Hornell YMCA again in the Fall of 2018. 他们将适当的热身和伸展运动与包括教学模块在内的年龄技能竞赛结合在一起, a reinforcement and skills practice and, finally, a competition in that skill. A variety of skills, such as passing (football), shooting (soccer and basketball), hand-eye coordination, along with stretching and recovery were put to the test in a "free-range" atmosphere.

这项社区活动与现有的“父母之夜”项目相结合,以增加出席率和体育曝光率. Overall, 这是一个很棒的活动,让学生们保持活跃和参与,同时允许他们在最初的课程后自由玩耍. 我们的学生能够在社区配对和小/大团体儿童/青少年辅导方面获得宝贵的经验.

Age Avengers

2019年的队列与霍内尔基督教青年会(Hornell YMCA)合作开发项目,希望吸引现有的赞助人,并吸引现有的非会员考虑体育活动在日常生活中的重要性.

Their program, Age Avengers, brought together multiple generations from caregivers to children, to promote the joy and importance of physical activity and healthy lifestyles. Through initial development to meetings with YMCA staff, the students created and conducted the program on November 10th, with the hope that the Hornell YMCA will continue this program on a monthly basis.

  • Understanding and illustrating the practical application of mechanical, physical, and kinematic concepts of musculoskeletal anatomy.
  • Understanding business and management concepts as they pertain to sporting, physical wellness and facility operations.
  • Improving critical thinking as it pertains to assessing, analyzing and developing programming to address patient/community needs.
  • Improving oral communication skills by using verbal, 运用非语言和媒体技巧来说明对课堂概念的理解和分析临床问题.
  • 提高内容的知识和应用:学生可以根据科学原理和个人客户目标和特殊人群的需求设计和实施健身计划.
  • 提高知识和内容的应用:学生能够熟练地进行教学, analyzing and prescribing proper resistance training techniques
  • 提高知识和应用内容:学生能够演示急救、心肺复苏术、体外除颤器
  • 能够理解阅读或发展学术临床研究并分析结果以应用于临床问题

在线赌博的健康健身管理课程获得了国家力量和体能协会(NSCA)教育认可计划(ERP)的认可。, 强调HFM项目符合NSCA认证的学术标准.

作为健康和健身经理毕业的学生可以从事企业健康方面的职业, public and private fitness and wellness, or special population fitness and wellness. Students will also be prepared for a variety of health-related graduate studies, ranging from Physical Therapy to Exercise Science.

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